joi, 21 iunie 2012

Tudor Nedelcu, clasa a X-a

Coca-Cola marketing concepts

While listening to this seminar, early in the morning, I noticed for a second time the need for involving consumers in promoting and sharing experiences, stories, about the products, Coca-Cola in this case. It is vital for a company to be creative in the beginning, to create a "versatile" set of concepts related to the product, in order to let the public do the rest, spread the brand or "shared values" as the presenter insisted. At the same time, the company tries to inspire optimism and happiness through commercials and marketing strategies.


From the beginning, I must say that this seminary was the most boring of all, having stretched too few, maybe 3 or 4 minutes of worthy information, to 45 minutes. Except for the nice motto of the Barilla company: "Dove c'e Barilla, c'e casa." and for the idea Guido Barilla shared with us: If pasta can be packed, it can also be advertised. (idea learned from his predecessors, which came from the founder, Pietro Barilla), this seminar was a bad way of losing time.


It was pretty interesting, because there were quite young people presenting, sharing, ideas. I liked very much this seminar whose theme was creativity and how different people see the same thing simply...different. This presentation also implied ethics of using nature-granted materials for improvement, how to combine the natural with the inorganic, all this through a bit of varried creativities combined.

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